

BER System Glossary

Core System Terms


A procedure BER can optionally do with the data received from the LLM response. It is bound to a Skill. Actions return a function operating on your data.

Like a callback in a front-end framework.


Péter “ber” Berényi was our mentor and senior to whom we dedicate this project.

BER means in the context of this documentation the system.


Core system type. An adapter allows connections between Agents and APIs or other external platforms. An adapter defines a client API interface that can be used for integration.

Like an electrical adapter used for charging devices


Core system type. An agent is an expert and executor of a given domain. The actions it can take and the validation an agent does should be modelled with the specific domain in mind.

Like a microservices architecture where each service has natural language capabilities

type BERAgent struct {
	Name        string      `yaml:"name" json:"name"`               // Display name of the agent
	Tag         string      `yaml:"tag" json:"tag"`                 // Unique identifier for the agent
	Description string      `yaml:"description" json:"description"` // Brief description of the agent's purpose
	Skills      []BaseSkill `yaml:"skills" json:"skills"`           // List of skills this agent can perform


We can think of a domain in a couple of different terms. (However there are no absolute rules, use your own judgment!)

  • Function: Like a job description, a functional domain covers a role, a collection of inter-dependent tasks and skills. F.e. product owner.
  • Result: We may associate domains with a type of result or presentation it has to produce. F.e. charts
  • Knowledge: Certain topics or certain knowledge we would like to interact with. Eg. BER agent builder

Error types

The system categorizes errors into distinct types:

  • Schema violations (type errors)
  • Template rendering failures (presentation errors)
  • Processing failures (runtime errors)

Template System

Templates provide a presentation layer that transforms structured data into human-readable formats. The system uses Go’s text/template package with custom functions for documentation-specific formatting. Templates are bound to Skills.

Like a view layer in MVC architecture


The documentation assumes there is a human entity giving commands and input.